Saturday, December 13, 2014


Right up front I might as well say I'm not the huge Mel Brooks fan that a lot of people I know seem to be, in general I find that his movies contain a few big laughs but for the most part aren't that funny and that pretty much describes my feelings about Spaceballs.

Until recently I've never owned a copy of Spaceballs but I saw the blu-ray on sale so I grabbed a copy and last night I watched the movie and my feelings about it haven't changed, there are some truly funny moments but the rest of the movie is kind of flat.

One thing that has always impressed me about the movie is that it wasn't done on the cheap, a lot of the effects work in the movie was comparable to what was being done in science fiction movies at the time and some of the sets were also impressive.

For a movie of it's age Spaceballs looks pretty impressive in High Definition and it contains the special features from previous DVD releases including a nice tribute to the late John Candy.

Spaceballs isn't what I'd call essential viewing but you may want to check it out anyway "or else Pizza is gonna send out for you !"

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