Saturday, February 1, 2014

Doctor Who: The Light at the End

Doctor Who is my favourite TV show ever, well classic Doctor Who is, I've enjoyed the modern version of the show but it just isn't the same despite the increased budgets and pretty special effects.

For some time Big Finish have been producing audio dramas telling new stories featuring classic Doctors and while for the most part they have at least been enjoyable every now and again they've managed something special.

The Light at the End features the first eight Doctors and some of their companions ( the Big Finish licensing deal doesn't allow them to use characters from the modern version of the show ), to their credit Big Finish have managed to produce a story that is both enjoyable and gives the surviving Doctors their own moment to shine as well as bringing back a classic villain as well.

The Light at the End  isn't Big Finish at it's very best but it's still a lot of fun and certainly worth a listen.

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