Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Maleficent wasn't a movie I was particularly interested in seeing, after all it was based on Sleeping Beauty which is of course a classic and much beloved Disney animated film, well much beloved by other people as I never really cared for it myself.

Like Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent was produced by Disney and it seemed to be targeting the young adult audience which I sadly do not belong to and assuming that it was safe I think to also assume Disney wouldn't be taking any risk with the film and they didn't really.

So here's the thing, I was entertained by the movie, it was nothing special but it was a reasonable way to spend an evening, I doubt I'd want to see it again but I would recommend it to friends with older children.

I don't know that Maleficent is worth owning but it is worth a watch, maybe catch it on TV if you can or borrow a copy off a friend with young adult children.


  1. Funny enough the only reason I have a copy is because of a cock up by Amazon :)

  2. Nice !

    I got my copy for the price of what it would have cost me to rent it so I was OK with that but free is much better.
