Sunday, January 30, 2011

Alien Anthology

Well it's taken some doing but I've finally finished watching the Alien Anthology box set, the Alien series has always been a favorite of mine and as soon as I heard the movies were going to receive a Blu-ray release I just knew I'd be buying these movies yet again, as it turned out I wound up buying the Blu-rays twice.

As I have done before whenever there has been some sort of limited edition Alien release that has been the version I bought and that was what I did this time as well, I got the box set home and my wife actually said that it seemed like a shame to open it, Fiona never says things like that so I was straight online to see if I could get the regular box set cheap anywhere and it wasn't long before another Alien Anthology was winging it's way to my house.

The movies themselves all look and sound fantastic, thankfully 20th Century Fox did the right thing with these movies and didn't attempt to remove all the film grain with excessive noise reduction, there have been some well publicised failures at doing this that have left characters in various films looking like they were made of wax in some scenes, perhaps since the directors of the Alien movies ( well three of them anyway ) are pretty big names in Hollywood it was though best not to get on their bad side.

The sheer volume of special features that accompany the movies is impressive, in the past the Alien Legacy and later the Alien Quadrilogy box sets set the standard by which other DVD box sets were compared for some time to follow and that would seem to be the case again, it is worth noting that the special features are only presented in standard definition but there are a lot of them and also neither of the Alien vs Predator movies are included in this set.

If you are a fan of the Alien series then the Alien Anthology is thus far the definitive Alien collection and in my opinion well worth the upgrade from DVD to Blu-ray.


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