Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Godzilla (2014)

Well the long anticipated Hollywood Godzilla is here and I have to say it's pretty good and unlike Hollywood's previous attempt this is recognisably based on the classic Godzilla movies produced by Toho studios in Japan.

I guess the biggest problem this movie faces is being compared to last years Pacific Rim which was also a movie featuring giant monsters along with giant mechanical battle suits destroying huge cityscapes and while that also happens in Godzilla ( minus the giant battle suits ) I was hoping for a film that was perhaps a little lighter in tone and a little more fun, I loved Pacific Rim but I only rather liked Godzilla.

This new Godzilla has outstanding production values as you would expect, there has been some criticism of aspects of the redesign of the title monster but I rather like the new look myself, I'm sure they will tweak things a little in any future sequels but I'm hoping they don't change things too much.

The only thing I didn't like about this movie was Bryan Cranston's performance in it, I thought he was grating and very annoying and I usually find him to be quite likable as an actor, thankfully he didn't have to carry the entire movie.

Godzilla is a good movie but I don't think it will be known as great one, I think things need to lighten up just a little and have a bit more fun but this new franchise is off to a good start and seems to be in good hands.

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