Sunday, April 13, 2014

Captain America: Winter Soldier

Last night I watched Captain America: Winter Soldier and I enjoyed it a lot but I didn't think it lived up to the hype and I certainly wouldn't say it's one of the best superhero movies ever made.

I saw Cap 2 with a friend of mine and he wasn't / isn't really a comics fan but pretty much the first thing he asked after the film was are they going to make a Black Widow movie and I agree that this needs to happen, Black Widow kicked all kinds of ass in this movie and I think a solo movie is a fantastic idea

Chris Evans IS Captain America in exactly the same way Christopher Reeve IS Superman, some people just seem to be born to play a certain part and Evans is a fantastic Captain America.

I would never have thought Falcon would be cool but I really liked the movie interpretation of the character, I was also impressed by the inclusion of a decent version of a comic villain like Batroc who I always thought was pretty dumb.

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