Friday, June 8, 2012

Iron Sky

My Iron Sky Blu-ray arrived today, I'd been looking forward to seeing this movie for a while, I like to support cool sounding independent productions and this movie had a great idea behind it, what an absolute shame that the movie was a mess and nowhere as clever or as funny as it's producers seem to think it is.


  1. Ouch:)
    Although truth be told it didn't live upto the hype and lacked the "all in in together" that you got from Star Wreck. The CGI was good and I guess that is where the bulk of the budget went but as some of the "B" movie producers have said upto a point spending on effects is counter productive in terms of the ability to turn a profit.
    It would have been a top notch Syfy Saturday flick but it reached higher and didn't quite make it.

  2. I can forgive bad special effects if you have a good story but this was a mess and the satire just didn't work ( for me anyway ).

    Seriously though a movie with Space Nazis should've been great, oh well maybe they will learn a lesson and focus on telling a decent story if they make another movie.
