Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Robocop ( 2014 )

I remember when I heard that there was to be a remake of Robocop, I was a huge fan of the original film but I thought OK this could be really good or it'll really stink.

Time passes as time often does and the remake is finished and I saw it in the cinema with one other person, that was it, there was two of us in the cinema and this was during the movie's opening week so I assumed the movie was really bad even before it had started.

The end credits roll and I walked out of the cinema and I didn't hate the movie but I wasn't impressed either, honestly I thought it could have been much worse, later the movie was released on Blu-ray and I picked it up on sale being obsessive when it come to movies and such, even though I didn't love the movie I still wanted to own it just so I could say I had all the movies, I eventually rewatched the Blu-ray and I thought it was better than I remembered, nothing special but better than I remembered the movie being when I saw it at the cinema.

Today I happened to see the movie again and I found myself thinking it was actually a pretty decent movie, of course it doesn't measure up to the original movie but it's a decent reasonably entertaining movie.

It only took me three viewings to come to the conclusion the remake of Robocop is actually a decent movie.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Finders Keepers

I used to be an avid reader of Stephen King's book, as soon as he released something new I had have it as soon as possible but at some point something changed and there were three or four books in a row I didn't really enjoy all that much, they weren't awful but they weren't really fun so like when all things stop being enjoyable I stopped reading them.

Years passed by and many a new Stephen King novel came and went and I found no real desire to read any of them, I would occasionally think I should pick up some new book of his out of curiosity but it just never happened, well until recently anyway.

I was talking to a friend of mine sometime ago about the television mini-series based on The Stand, personally I didn't care for it but think afterwards it might be fun to revisit the book at some point or maybe some of King's other books I had enjoyed but for some reason or another I just never got around to it, finally I decided I would go pick up a copy of The Stand but no bookshop I visited had a copy in stock and few of them had much of King's earlier work in stock either, what they did all have was copies of the recently released Finders Keepers so I took a chance and bought that instead.

Finders Keepers wasn't exactly what I expected but I found I rather enjoyed it, at times the book referred to events that had happened to characters previously and after doing a bit of research online I found that it was the second book in a series but all the information the reader need to know was contained in the book so there wasn't any risk of not understanding what was going on, I guess what surprised me a little was that there were only minimal elements of the supernatural in the story ( although I suspect that is going to change in book three ) but instead Finders Keepers was a well written thriller and having completed it I was more than happy to purchase the first book in the series Mr Mercedes which I am currently reading and also enjoying it immensely.

I don't know what it was about those few Stephen King books I read that I didn't like now, I can tell you that Gerald's Game and The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon were tow of them, maybe I just didn't enjoy the subject matter, I guess it really doesn't matter now but I can say Finders Keepers was well worth the read and Mr Mercedes is shaping up to be the same, the plus side of all of this is even though I am somewhat behind the times there are a whole bunch of Stephen King books out there I haven't read and I'd like to think at least some if not all of them will be pretty damn good reading.