Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tucker and Dale vs Evil

Sequel please ..........nuff said


I've just finished watching Akira on Blu-ray, the movie looked great but I was slightly unimpressed by the new sound mix, it sounded good but I didn't think it was as amazing as I'd read in a few places online, it's funny but in some ways the movie looks rather dated now ( such as character design and animation ) but in other's it still holds up rather well.

While Akira looked and sounded great on Blu-ray I don't know that I'd be rushing out to buy it any time soon, the disc just seemed overpriced for what it was, it is the best looking version of the movie I've seen but I'd advise waiting for a price reduction or until it's on sale somewhere before picking up this version of the movie.

Halloween IV: The Return of Micheal Myers

Over the years I've lived by a simple rule: any Halloween film (except for Halloween 3 ) that doesn't feature Jamie Lee Curtis sucks and any Halloween film that kills off a character played by Jamie Lee Curtis is ok up until that point but then quickly turns to crap after that character's death.

Over the last few months I've been slowly working my way through the various classic horror movie franchises and it was probably the Halloween series that I thought I'd enjoy the least based on my one simple rule but when it came to rewatching Halloween IV: The Return of Micheal Myers I found that I actually enjoyed the movie, it's certainly no classic like John Carpenter's original film but I had fun.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Yesterday I watched Rise of the Planet of the Apes on Blu-ray and it was a bit of a mixed bag for me, I thought the first two thirds of the movie were excellent far exceeding what I was expecting from the film but then it all started getting very silly towards the end, the final action sequences were over the top and spoiled what could've been an outstanding movie.

I did enjoy the various nods to the original movie, they were fun apart from one which was clumsily inserted because fans were probably expecting to hear it at some point.

I understand why the chose to do CG apes instead of using real ones or people in makeup that was kind of distracting for me, while computer effects technology is advancing in leaps and bounds all the time and these apes looked pretty good but they just didn't blend in with their environment, I can't quite put my finger on what it was but the end result was that the apes all looked like they weren't really there, the one thing Tim Burton got right with his Planet of the Apes remake was the excellent use of makeup and prosthetics.

The Director and Producers seem to have left things open for a potential sequel and I have to admit I'd probably be interested in seeing one but if it happens hopefully they will resist the temptation to use ridiculous CG action sequences and get back to telling a good story.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Tekwar and Total Recall 2070

Tekwar and Total Recall 2070 are two shows I've wanted to see for years ( I've seen the Tekwar movies but not the TV series ) and today they arrived in my mailbox and I'm really looking forward to seeing them.

Sucker Punch

I finally got to see Sucker Punch yesterday on Blu-ray, I watched the extended version and not the theatrical release and I really enjoyed it, I can see why people wouldn't like the movie but it was pretty much exactly what I expected it to be right down to the so-called twist at the end ( they were hinting at it early on in the film ).

This was a fun little movie and one I'll be sure to watch again.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Godzilla Vs Megalon

I know that they are not to every one's taste but I enjoy Godzilla movies and while I don't own all of them I do have a lot of them, last night I watched Godzilla vs Megalon for the first time ( that I can recall ) and it was just terrible, easily one of the worst movies I've seen in ages, in fact Godzilla was only in it for around 20 minutes, this felt more like an attempt to launch a spin-off movie series.

This one was pretty disappointing but hopefully the next one will be a return to form.